“The 11 vs 2”

 “The 11 vs 2”

‘Eleven verses Two’

The Life in Battle


The nice thing about this combination is that these two numbers will be reflective and powerful as that ‘1+1’ is two or double in strength, talented and quite noble individuals who understand each other’s goals and desire to achieve perfection.

On the negative side of things, both can be in competition with each other. A “1-upmanship” (no pun intended), which can definitely be a problem. The sad part of number ‘2’ is number ‘1s’ Life Path, which together is often separated by distance or the demands of a career as a real fraction with the other.

For the most part, these two numbers together make a nice pair and if they do manage to stick together they are quite capable of building a financially secure future together that is also filled with excitement and worthwhile goals.


The Leader/Follower


This combination can be an individual subject as a number ‘2’; the other is the dominant partner ‘1’. This combination works quite well until the number ‘2’ is a step from the line and then the note of demand of its own life points of ‘1’ and ‘2’ blossoms.

In the case of the number ‘1’ paired with the number ‘2’, “to rule is true, and to serve” is your phrase, if you are the number ‘2’. Often these reports are very classic, traditional forms, with the ambition to make the worlds of ‘1 and 2’ to win at home and to find teachable feathering of the nest and also ways to meet the number ‘1’ on the number ‘1s’ location of comfort.

Mostly these relationships fall apart when the number ‘1’ starts taking the ‘2’ for granted,  and not giving the ‘2’ enough attention or when the ‘2’ gets sick of playing the “master and servant” game.


The 1, 2, 3 Twist Conclusion


The life-path, for numbers ‘1 and 3’, is a very happy couple who has each other and will probably inspire a lot of good times.

The number ‘3’ is the number of the performer, which will be just challenging and exciting enough to keep the number ‘1’ continually interested.

The number ‘3’ is also great for ‘a pumper’ of the ego of the number ‘1’ as they are very talented when it comes to advertising their love and fun.






Definition Involving Change – 1


This Blog: ‘People Reading by Number Blog Assist’, is based on a large part of the Pythagorean basic studies of “Numerology”.

Mysticism put aside, the simple methods and application could actually aid you in getting some type of focus on names; words;  feelings and possibly a better understanding of “why some individuals’ focuses and character reflections, display themselves in ways that make you go ‘Hmm’ and leave you saying: wow”.


What is in a Name or Word?


From time to time, a name and/or word will be picked and broken down for you; and because it is for free: there will actually be no justifiable satisfaction for that information; basically, when there is no fee—it could be worthwhile.


Change and Make Better Your Life


Do enjoy Pythagorean’s work and my book-learned interpretation, and may you have more control in your life and directions.









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