The One and the Beginning

The One and the Beginning

The “Beauty of the Beginning”, will always be a mystery for us and our many thoughts. How do any of us find true beginnings when that area is the most elusive of all our seeking?

There is actually something most interesting about finding the beginnings; our talents, thoughts, and position, will always put us in the number two position of finding our beginnings of the all of what we seek.

As our position of always being at least the number two position, we have to look inward to better understand the outward. Why, some would ask, while others would begin understanding that as you handle who you are and what you bring to the thoughts, question, and answers, you gain to your understanding of number ‘ONE: THE BEGINNING’.

Our one is the most complicated number; as we look at it and apply it: is there; it is where you place it; it is where you take it; it is truly under your control, when it comes to movement; you pick it up; lay it down; place it in a pocket of yours or theirs; it communicates empowerment.

Beginnings: in a world of science, there are so many questions preceding the answers. Science, mysteries, questions, and magic in all our beginnings are the same until you know how the answers unravel.

How do you get the beginning answer, so you know where to start? That comes from the inside as well: as the power, within you grows and tries to seek answers; you will without a doubt become to realize that you are the power connecting you to your answer.

The power of ‘how it is above, it is below’ helps, the consciousness in visualizing ‘the ‘ALL’, of everything’, that is outside of you as one. You can find the answer about this question and life quicker; simply by seeing 1 = 1; too simple; yet a true beginning, when we agree to it.

Our minds, finite in so many ways and vast in so many others, will always be in a waving flux/oxymoronic expansion. Not all of us will have that issue unless we seek information.

Empowerment: “The act of conferring legality, sanction or formal warrant”—WordWeb: this is north American/short, online dictionary.

“One, Primary, Beginnings”

‘Each word’s value is often weighed by definition and delivery alone; and the character of choice, seldom touches the earth we walk upon: so we may think and feel. 

By adding, the little bit of clarity of math’s addition to your life, you will see in ways, others will miss, and you will have a true foundation.’—MWB2

Understanding where you are walking is the beginning of ‘Wise Stepping’. How does wise stepping figure into your life…simply ‘one foot at a time’, is how most come into this world and leaving these glorious surroundings no matter how modest. We all have beginnings and have a choice of paths of learning, which is something no one can take away from you and will be paramount in controlling your everywhere.

Growing and finding so many lost individuals seeking of or what to do, have shown that openness is what we are born into this world and following our passion for making a good life, may have to be investigated. Pending on your position [the beginning, middle or later years in ones’ life] will always have a part in wise stepping.

Explaining as an individual is where ‘one’ shall begin. One, when researched in the dictionary of choice:   [“he is the best one”; “this is the one I ordered”; “he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it”; “they had lunch at one “A single person or thing; he is the best one”; “this is the one I ordered”]—

While following any wisdom being passed to you… the explanation from dictionaries will always aid in giving a base of understanding, a beginning direction for understanding numbers and letters, before words;

So, starting from the beginning of the infinite path; passage; listing; all words that you know, to explain what you do not know, yet wish to conceive the ‘conceptional thoughts’, which the embryo grasps from being made alive until now…yep, in most infinite understandings of growing up, it is the child, who has to become acclimated into a social connection of understanding…i.e. learning letters, words, how sounds are made and controlled and response to those listings;

Now, from the ‘non-finite ‘beginnings to the perpetual motion of life: without knowing the original, you cannot understand the present. A perfect example is the listing of words in a dead language; or a system of communicating with yourself and your greater self, which in some societies is never good.

 Not going any further back…we are now at a place for moving forward. Some of you are not satisfied with this position…so the ‘Big Bang Theory’ will be your beginning and for the other of us…“Think of that thought at that instant toward creating that thought”: BANG;

At this time, life is beginning to unravel into multiple specs of ‘Star Dust’ with various temperatures of star-dust propelling in various directions; yes, accumulating into various type of existences relating to temperature and speed associating to the star-dust: that all relate to going too far back;

Ok; the theory of numbers and letters associations, was decided by an ancient collective, whom Pythagoras associated, lead to the clarity of numbers, letters and the vibration of success and/or understandings, which brings us closer to today; which explains the interest of doing simplest way of remembering  the numbers ‘1-9’. Plus, various situation, in which these sets of numbers, letters and moments can be put into your benefit: that is what, is delivering.

[I am simple and orderly, that is why I want something easy, here from me to you:

A-J-S=1= Leader

B-K-T=2= Reflective

C-L-U=3= Sociable, friendly

D-M-V=4= Orderly, able to march in time

E-N-W=5= Change, variety

F-O-X=6= Home, protection of the home environment

G-P-Y=7= Spiritual in viewpoint

H-Q-Z=8= Universal, desiring control of all

I-R=9= Successful at finishing, completion

What: “is that it”? No, yet, that is enough to get anyone started, even me the slow one.  It feels good to know where people and family are coming from in conversation. This is the best direction in knowing family, love, business, and thoughts being delivered, shared, conceived, and disbursed during relations and exchanges.]—a more value given in the understanding of the connections, in which we are involved.

So, work with it…play with it…as this site morphs into its next level, an improved way of communicating and exchanges will be made available for everyone. For now, like all growth, a moment of pulling together is happening.

For future reference: ‘a minimum of one blog will be delivered to this location per week’, for this day forward; the relighting of the eyes will also be added: to excite the mind. Also, once the ‘pulling together is established’, a welcoming of input will be accepted by all, who remember that communications will be involve “2-year-olds” and the more mature.

Thank you for your time and patience,


Hello and My Most Humble Apologies to YOU

This is the ‘Bottom-Line’: “for under one year, optioning toward making money, rather than opting to giving  information; this site will today and moving forward be for your edification rather than money. A building of over 4 sites have already been created will always be listed under this writers sign out. Understand this site is made so that the powers that are, will not have to take care of this writer’s’food, dance, living musical life celebrations”; which is the cause of the lack of updates and this website “Showing nothing new or signups”.

So, what to do…’ELEMENTOR’, will be added to all ‘NEW’, entries as well as, updating the established blogs. Also note that the beginning information, no longer seen,  will be re-entered; re-applied; and eloquently delivered in a mind empowering way, so the edification of each and every individual will be able to sail into the ‘winds of life’ empowered, with more than those seeking other information and persons.

You, who become active participants, will be the winners via the mind, understanding those around you, as well as yourself; you will be able to move at will, with more power and understanding about people, places and things. The delivery will, without any doubt, carry you into the direction of success. Your new power will enhance your understanding with people, places and things.

During this updating, at times, even the ‘over-all-look and/or display’, may be changed…be happy and ask for added information, which will include the closure of this delivery and update.


For You,


Fax 1-609-257-6542